Despite rumors of their impending divorce, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey looked like they were having a great time together when they celebrated his birthday in his hometown of Cincinnati November 9th. An article in the Cincinnati Enquirer said the couple enjoyed a dinner party with family friends at a local restaurant. Jessica picked up the $750 tab and left a $600 tip. Now, I wasn't sure I read that right, and thought maybe it was a typo. So I dashed off an email to the Enquirer's Lauren Bishop, who wrote the article, and she wrote me back that it was no typo -- that was the tip!
Eyewitnesses said Nick had his arm around Jessica and they looked like "a normal couple."
Jessica and Nick are having to put up with a lot of media scrutiny about their marriage, and yes, they put themselves out there by doing Newlyweds -- and Jessica has said as much in more than one interview. But, believe me, if they do divorce I don't think that necessarily proves the tabs were right all along. The pressure of the vultures circling has got to make it more difficult for them. Remember what high school was like when everybody was all up in your business? Multiply that a gazillion times.
By the way, if you read an article on line that you like, you should email the reporter and tell them. Everybody loves positive feedback!
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