Finally! The first baby boomer turned 60 on Sunday and that means we're hopefully going to see a lot of changes in how people over 60 live their lives. The Baby Boom generation -- Americans born between 1946 and 1964 -- has been setting trends for the last fifty years. Hippies, yippies, yuppies, parenthood at 40, making 50 the new 30 and now a chance to redefine the senior lifestyle. Will the boomers really make a difference? Being on the tail end of the boomer generation, I certainly hope so.
Check out Ronni Bennett's Time Goes By blog for another perspective on the subject. Writing in her "Crabby Old Lady" persona, she's wary about contradictory boomer surveys and how that might affect policy decisions:
Since boomer surveys contradict one another, there is nothing to do but wait and see what the oldest boomers actually do – and in what numbers - in the next few years. Meanwhile, Crabby Old Lady would like to see some surveys of her age group and older. We're not dead yet (though that is hard to know if mainstream media is relied upon), and our concerns are often different from the boomers.
I'm just forever optimistic, you should know that by now. I'm envisioning fabulous senior living options, decent prescription drug coverage and health care, all sorts of cool stuff. See you in 2025!
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