Since I'm voting in New York and not Tennessee, I don't think it matters if I make a little observation about their Senate race.
Democratic candidate Harold Ford, Jr. is FINE.
I mean, he's somewhere in the middle on a scale from, say, Derek Jeter to Wentworth Miller fine. That's very, very fine indeed.
He's apparently a bachelor and from a very colorful and powerful political family. And he went to University of Michigan Law School. Go Blue, baby! You can read more about him here.
Meanwhile, I'm sooooo bummed that I won't be able to work in the newsroom on election night, which I thought would be all the more interesting because we're studying the congress in my intro to American Govt. class. I can't stay up late because I have to be up early Wednesday to go help out at another branch of government (I've got jury duty). Bummer!
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