Tonight I went and voted at Forest Hills High School. There seemed to be a brisk turnout and it was so cool to see how many people brought their kids with them -- start 'em off young, I say! Also, I heard dozens of different languages, which is very Queens.
Every time I vote I always think of my grandparents who came here from other countries where voting wasn't an option. I also realized that my grandmothers were both born before women had the right to vote in this country.
I vote because I can, it's that simple.
What makes me feel even more like Citizen Judy is that tomorrow morning I'll be reporting for jury duty. I laughed when I got my notice, because it said I was being called for "petit jury." "How thoughtful to put me on the petite jury," I thought, picturing myself in a sized-to-fit jury box with my fellow size 2's.
That's "petit" as opposed to "grand."
Unfortunately, because I have to report at 8:30 a.m., I wasn't able to stay up and work in the newsroom tonight, I'm so disappointed! I really wanted to work election night. Instead, I got to report on the "exciting news" of Britney's divorce filing.
I'm not allowed to bring any electronic devices with me. How will I survive without my MP3 player or smartphone? I am going to bring some crochet (figure they'll confiscate knitting needles) and what looks to be a good "beach" novel. I'll bring a notepad and my textbook and study for next Tuesday test as well.
Hopefully, I'll have some more good stories to tell tomorrow!
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