It's not a paper exactly, it's actually a letter to a public official, but I finished it on time and didn't stay up all night doing it either (this is my usual bedtime, since I work 1 to 9).
I forgot about so many things! I don't remember the proper footnote format, or whether or not I'm supposed to put this in a fancy bookcover.
High school, junior high, and my smattering of college courses are all kind of jumbled together and I can't remember which goes where.
Plus, I don't think I did a lot of papers in college because when I first went to school I was a dance major and then when I went back again I took a lot of computer programming classes.
Of course, coding on an IBM 360 and using freakin' punch cards has to count for something!
Seriously, though, I'm lucky that this is my "return" class because the professor is allowing us to do rewrites. So, if it's a matter of formatting then I can still correct them.
That leaves two more writing summaries and I'll be set for this class since I have an A average on my two tests and I haven't missed a class session yet.
Next up....I HAVE to get that MMR shot this week or I'll have problems registering on Monday. Stay tuned.
Posted by: Sarah | Nov 28, 2006 at 12:04 PM