Well...tonight was the season finale of "Prison Break" and I was looking forward to having at least a few of the many loose ends tied up.
Didn't happen.
T-Bag, Sucre, and Bellick are back in SONA. LJ and Lincoln are reunited and Michael is going to stay in Panama to go after Susan for presumably having killed Sara (many fans, including me, are still not convinced that Sara is really dead). Malone and Whistler are in cahoots with Susan on the outside and Sofia is in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound.
All that business about Whistler's bird book, which T-Bag now has, and those coordinates? Susan said there ARE no coordinates. Plus we got no closer to what The Company is all about in the first place.
I was happy, though, that Luis was able to reunite with his family. And I loved LJ laughing at Susan for even thinking she could outsmart his uncle.
I just had hoped that the story would be moving out of Panama and on to a new location by this point. Plus, the last two episodes were really exciting so tonight's finale was a disappointment in comparison.
But, as long as Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell are still in the cast looking all pretty, I'll keep watching!
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