Here's what we covered on The Showbuzz Wednesday:
Mel Gibson was charged with drunken driving (three counts in all). The Museum of Jewish Heritage, in my old nabe of Battery Park City, has invited Mel to stop in and get a tour and a lesson on Jewish history. Of course, The View's Joy Behar thought giving Mel a bris would be a better way to put him on the "path toward healing." I'll bring the schnapps and a nice deli plate.
Shannon Doherty threatened to sue Star magazine for saying she had plastic surgery and printing a horrible picture of her on their front page. You know, you can take a bad picture of almost anybody, especially if they're talking or eating. I've taken literally thousands of celeb photos and most of the time you get four or five attractive shots per dozen photos (roughly). Depends on the artist, though. Shakira is the only exception to the rule -- with her all the pictures come out great!
Aaron Carter had a surfboard accident, but he's out of the hospital and "recovering nicely" at home his publicist tells me. I get a kick out of Aaron. He's so much fun to interview because he's so open.
And speaking of naughty tabloids, Marie Osmond says she was hospitalized for a reaction to medication she was taking and not because of a suicide attempt as reported by the National Enquirer.
Well, you have to hand it to the French for being good sports about their world cup loss, at least good enough sports to make a song parodying Zidane's famous head butt number one on the charts.
Christie Brinkley met wih her sorry excuse for a husband at a secluded location yesterday (he's next in line for that bris we're throwing for Mel.)
We have some cool video of the band Train who performed on our Early Show.
I'm going to be interviewing JoJo this her! Mo Rocca was in today, he was hilarious and so much fun and as I was walking him out who should be in the lobby but Katie Couric who it turns out is a big fan of Mo's work. I don't think she's that much taller than me, maybe I can get to know her and get her hand-me-downs! Seriously, I hear she's going to be blogging and doing a webcast so I hope I get to work with her at some point. She seemed really nice, very genuine.
I'm also interviewing Jonathan Davis of Korn tomorrow. There's a lot going on with them right now, some of which is not so great (a fan died in the mosh pit at one of their concerts last week). I'll probably do the whole thing as a podcast.
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